Tuesday 12 August 2014
UIC Expertise

Tribute to HJ Geissler and George Barbu, two UIC experts retired

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Following the retirement of two UIC experts, UIC would like to pay tribute to their involvement and their technical contribution which contributed to make UIC a technical platform recognised at worldwide level.

Tribute to Hans-Jürgen GEISSLER

Following his studies in electrotechnical engineering, Hans-Jürgen Geissler worked at the “Bundesbahnzentralamt” in Minden. At the beginning of the 1990s he moved to ORE (Office de Recherche et d’Essais converted to ERRI – European Rail research Institute – in 1992) in Utrecht taking over the technical responsibility for wheels and wagons from his predecessor Jens Ottersbach (DB).
He remained in this position until the closure of ERRI in 2004 when he moved to UIC where he still covered the above-mentioned field of responsibility until his retirement on 30 June 2014.

Tribute to George BARBU

George Barbu, Electronic Engineer with a diploma (Master’s Degree) from the Electronic and Telecommunications Faculty of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, started his career as a Research Engineer for signalling systems at the Research Institute of Romanian Railways, CFR. Until 1993 he occupied several positions in Romania such as, among others, Head of the IT section of the research centre of Romanian Railways (CFR), Director General of International Affairs of the Romanian Ministry of Transport. From the end of 1993 until July 2004, he was responsible for the technical group and expert for signalling and IT at the European Rail Research Institute (ERRI). He joined UIC in July 2004 as Senior Adviser for signalling, IT and new technologies. From 2010, he was Coordinator of the Control-Command and Signalling Sector of the UIC Rail System Department.

UIC wishes them all the best for the future.

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Hans-Jürgen Geissler
George Barbu