Tuesday 9 September 2014
News from UIC Members

KTZ, Kazakhstan: Information about the construction of railway lines - Zhezkazgan-Beyneu and Arkalyk-Shubarkol

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  • Total length of lines: 1 202 km
  • Zhezkazgan-Beyneu – 988 km, new interstations: 43
  • Arkalyk-Shubarkol – 214 km, new interstations: 5

The construction started in June 2012. The Zhezkazgan-Beyneu line is the longest railway span. As a result of launching these lines the route of cargo traffic from the east to the west of the country will become 1000 km shorter.

Over 5000 people and 3000 units of equipment are involved in the construction of the lines. 37 bridges are already constructed and the energy supply equipment items along with industrial and social infrastructure are being developed.

48 new stations and crossing loops are being set along the new railway lines. Electric power lines, industrial buildings and facilities, accommodation and social units are being built at the moment. 3 500 permanent work positions are being prepared.

Launching the Zhezkazgan-Beyneu and Arkalyk-Shubarkol lines will provide trade and business partners with the shortest routes for transit transport from Europe to Asia and vice versa with all the related economic benefits.

With the launch of the first line in 2014, the transport volume is expected to increase:

  • Zhezkazgan-Saksaulskaya-Shalkar-Beyneu will reach 8.2 million tons, including transit transport – 2.3 million tons
  • Arkalyk-Shubarkol – 4.5 million tons, transit – 0.3 million tons.
    When the second line is launched the cargo volume on the Zhezkazgan – Saksaulskaya-Shalkar-Beyneu line is expected to increase by up to 20 million tons
  • Arkalyk-Shubarkol – up to 8.6 million tons

The construction of new lines will lead to the decrease of:

  • transport expenses (10-30% decrease).
  • Time of cargo delivery: 1 – 3 days
  • Distance of transportation: 350 – 950 km

(Source: KTZ)

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