Tuesday 30 September 2014
UIC Asia-Pacific

4th ADB Transport Forum: videos and presentations are now available online

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As previously reported in UIC eNews 415, in September UIC participated in the 4th Transport Forum organised by the Asian Development Bank, through the participation of Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General, in two plenary sessions.
During the plenary session on “Resurgence and Reform of Railways in Asia” held on 16 September, he shared his views on the important lessons and challenges of implementing railway reforms in Europe and Asia. During the “Sustainable Transport Champions” session, held on 17 September, he talked about how hard it can be to make political decisions to promote sustainable urban living through environmentally-friendly and equitable transport policies.

The Transport Forum 2014 photos, videos and presentations are now available online. Take a look at all the action from last week by checking the ADB Flickr account, which has an album for each day of the forum:

A capsule collection or a smaller photo set is also available for viewing on the ADB Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.670962166344506.1073741831.276951675745559&type=1

You can now watch the ADB Transport in the Asian Century video as well (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=675395252567864). For more videos such as the opening plenary session, financing plenary session and a dedicated video on technology’s role in urban transport management, consult the Features section on the ADB event page (http://www.adb.org/news/events/adb-transport-forum-2014).

As for the presentations delivered during the sessions, these can be accessed through the ADB Scribd account (http://fr.scribd.com/collections/5870867/ADB-Transport-Forum-2014). Presentations delivered during the training workshops will also soon be available in this same account.

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