Tuesday 30 September 2014
News from UIC Members

Russia: The “International Construction, Innovation & Partnership – Open Dialogue” supported by Russian Railways to be held in Sochi (Russia) on 16 – 17 October

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The “International Construction, Innovation & Partnership – Open Dialogue Forum” will be held in Sochi (Russia) from 16 – 17 October with the support of OJSC Russian Railways.

The problems of implementing major transport infrastructure programmes in Russia and abroad will be at the top of the agenda. The central theme of the forum will be the complex issues involved in rolling-out the transport infrastructure for visitors to the Olympic Games in Sochi – and its subsequent application in the development of future infrastructure projects in modernising the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian Mainline Railways.

Participants in the forum will include: Mr Vladimir Yakunin, President, Russian Railways OJSC (also UIC Chairman); Mr Maksim Sokolov, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; Mr Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation; Mr Sergey Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of RF; Mr Andrey Kostin, President, Chairman of the Board, and member of the Supervisory Board of Bank VTB OJSC; and Mr Vladimir Dmitriev, Chairman of VEB.

The forum will be attended by leading world infrastructure and construction experts, representatives of railway administrations, and political leaders from Russia Europe and Asia, in addition to respected academics and experts.

Meetings and reports by Russian and foreign experts will cover the most current issues of the transport industry – including the adoption of modern cutting-edge technologies and developments, implementation of environmental security projects, policy issues in project investment, and others. The discussions will also cover issues of development in high-speed railway lines (HSRL) and the Trans-Eurasian “Growth” zone.

Detailed information about the events, topics and programme of activities can be seen on the official website http://www.buildconf.ru/eng/#about

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