Tuesday 21 October 2014
News from UIC Members

Australia: Rail welcomes appointment of Albanese to new Cities portfolio

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The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) welcomed on 24 September 2014 the announcement by Leader of the Opposition, The Hon. Bill Shorten, to appoint Anthony Albanese as Shadow Minister for Cities to enhance urban efficiency and deliver policies aimed at improving sustainability and liveability in Australian cities.
Chief Executive Officer of the ARA, Bryan Nye OAM, said he was pleased to see the Federal Opposition remain committed to investment in Australia’s capital and regional cities, particularly on the matter of public transport.

“Today’s announcement demonstrates a commitment by Federal Labor to work with state governments and industry to improve our cities by making them more sustainable, productive and public transport focussed,” said Mr Nye.

“Increasing congestion and carbon emissions are putting too much pressure on the existing infrastructure in our cities, affecting the people living in them, which are why investment from all levels of government into public transport is paramount if Australians want to move freely and efficiently around our major cities in the future.
“Rail is central to meeting the congestion challenge in our cities with the average freight train removing 110 trucks off our roads and the average passenger train taking a whopping 525 cars off the road,” he said.
Speaking in an Address at the National Press Club today Mr Albanese also mentioned Labor’s continued commitment to a High Speed Rail link between Brisbane and Melbourne, which would boost growth and productivity throughout regional towns along the proposed route.

“I echo Mr Albanese’s statements made today regarding the need for high speed rail along Australia’s East Coast, particularly when I look at the projections of our increasing population, growing cities and rising carbon emissions. We simply cannot afford to remain behind without high speed rail,” continued Mr Nye.
“Investment and Innovation in Infrastructure is the key to unlocking our industry’s true potential and ensuring we keep up with our counterparts across the globe,” he said.

The ARA will be holding a High Speed Rail Forum at Parliament House on Monday 27 October, which Mr Albanese will be presenting at, to encourage discussion and debate relating to what the nation building project could do for regional Australia whilst also looking at new investment options.

(Source: ARA)

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