Tuesday 3 February 2015
News from UIC Members

Hungary: Inauguration of Gysev Cargo locomotive

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The first advertising locomotive of GYSEV CARGO was ceremoniously unveiled on 3 December 2014 at Sopron railway station. The locomotive is being leased from leasing and services company Mitsui Rail Capital Europe (MRCE). Representatives of both companies jointly unveiled the Taurus locomotive, clad in the colours of Gysev Cargo – green, yellow and white – and which will run both in Hungary and in neighbouring Austria.

The colours and the design of the locomotive were chosen by experts at Gysev Cargo Zrt. from a number of plans to fit in with the logo and corporate image of the company and to symbolise the values it stands for: dynamism, vigour, flexibility and innovation.

Gysev Cargo Zrt. has recently implemented a number of investments and plans to carry on with investments in the near future too, in order to offer competitive and first-class services to its present and prospective partners. One example of such developments is the locomotive pictured and which the company has been leasing from MRCE since September 2014. “The lease construction had the same purpose: to be able to meet the increased freight demand even more flexibly”, said János Skála, CEO of Gysev Cargo Zrt.

The Gysev Cargo locomotive will be used for traction only in rail freight transport, in Hungary and Austria.

Source: Gysev Cargo

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