Tuesday 3 March 2015
Railway Security

TETRIS project: Workshop on Terrorism against Railway Infrastructures – Brussels, 2 April 2015

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TETRIS stands for Terrorists In Europe Targeting Railway InfrastructureS and is a two-year project funded by DG HOME of the European Commission. This project received funding from DG Home of the European Commission in the framework of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks (CIPS) programme.

The main objective of TETRIS is to enable the training and to strengthen the capacities of actors engaged in the management of the consequences of terrorist attacks targeting railway infrastructures. TETRIS will develop tools allowing for a better understanding of this threat and conduct a role-play crisis management exercise simulating a terrorist attack.

TETRIS will develop tools allowing for a better understanding of the terrorist threat targeting railway infrastructures, and facilitate the exchange of best practices among the actors engaged in the management of the consequences of an attack. The development of typical scenarios of attacks will allow the project team to analyse the target selection process of terrorists operating in Europe. Then, during an exercise, the end-users will be immersed in a crisis management during which the tools provided by the project will enable them to visualise the consequences of a terrorist attack and take decisions to mitigate the crisis with the support of a role-play tool.

Therefore, and within the TETRIS project framework, the first workshop of the TETRIS –Terrorists in Europe Targeting Railway InfrastructureS – project is to be held:

When: Thursday 2 April 2015
Where: Brussels

Target audience: railway police and counter-terrorism organisations, crisis management and civil protection agencies, railways infrastructure management authorities and law enforcement agencies.

Workshop objective:

The main objective of TETRIS is to enable the training and to strengthen the capacities of actors engaged in the management of the consequences of terrorist attacks targeting railways infrastructures. TETRIS will develop tools allowing for a better understanding of this threat and conduct a role-play crisis management exercise simulating a terrorist attack.
The first workshop will focus on the presentation of the results of the analysis conducted with the threat assessment tool (groups targeting railways infrastructures, type of attacks) and on the selection of the scenario to be used during the TETRIS crisis management exercises.


Registration is free of charge but places are limited. Please contact Martin de Maupeou (mdemaupeou@ceis.eu) if you wish to register for this event.

Please note that the TETRIS project is not able to cover travel and accommodation expenses of the participants for this meeting.

Legal notice: This project is a continuation of CRIME and SAFIRE, earlier European projects on terrorism conducted by CEIS. It received funding from DG Home of the European Commission in the framework of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks (CIPS) programme.

For further information on TETRIS please contact Marie-Hélène Bonneau: bonneau@uic.org or José Pires: pires@uic.org

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