Tuesday 5 May 2015
News from UIC Members

Project Diabolo SNCB / Infrabel

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The PPP project (Public Private Partnership) Diabolo concerns the new tunnel between the Brussels National Airport Station and the Schaerbeek-Malines line, through which an essential decrease in travel time by train between the airport and Malines/Antwerp has been achieved. This project forms part of a large integrated “infrastructure” plan whose goal is to improve rail services to Brussels Airport.

Since 1 November 2009, SNCB has been legally obligated (Diabolo Act of 30 April 2007) to collect a “Diabolo” surcharge from each train passenger with an origin from or destination to “Brussels National Airport”. There are a few legal exceptions, such as the home-work ticket-holders with Brussels Airport as their destination.

Since then, train services (national and international) to the Brussels National Airport Station have been greatly expanded. For example, since December 2014, the Brussels zone has had six connections per hour to Brussels Airport!

The number of travellers to Brussels Airport is a very positive development. So that this increase in travellers is also reflected in an increase in revenues, and to fight against fraud, SNCB has decided to install access gates to the Brussels National Airport Station.

The Diabolo surcharge is included in most of the tickets issued by SNCB and some of its partners/distributors.

SNCB Gates to the Brussels National Airport Station

The preparatory operations to install access gates to Brussels National Airport began in early March 2015 and will be completed towards the end of April 2015. During May, there will be software and hardware tests.

The objective is to close the gates starting from June 2015.

The gates can be opened with a valid ticket including the Diabolo surcharge and a 2D bar code approved by our computer services. There will also be an RFID reader which enables our “MoBIB” card and future tickets, issued by our train attendants, to be read.

Travellers departing by train from the Brussels National Airport Station and heading towards the platforms can take care of this (buy a ticket including the Diabolo surcharge or buy a separate Diabolo surcharge) at the ticket windows and at the ticket vending machines (9 machines available).

Travellers arriving by train at the Brussels National Airport Station and heading towards Brussels Airport can buy the required ticket in advance by purchasing a ticket, including the Diabolo surcharge, or buy a separate Diabolo surcharge:

  • via our website www.sncb.be or the SNCB app;
  • at the departure station in Belgium (e.g. Brussels-Midi) at the ticket windows or at the machines;
  • on the train from the attendant;
  • at the machines (4) in the Brussels National Airport Station in the “closed” area between the gates and the platforms.

The platforms are located on Level -2. The gates are in the same station on Level -1.

SNCB provides support staff. The ticket windows are open 24/7 and will also be enabled to operate (call button).

What can you do, as a distributor, to enable travellers to “automatically” pass through the gates?

In the NRT prices reported by the SNCB, the Diabolo surcharge is not included.

If you would like your customers to have “automatic” passage through the gates at the Brussels National Airport Station, without having to buy a separate Diabolo surcharge, please contact natascha.hooft@sncb.be to review the possibilities together.

If you have additional questions about the Diabolo project and the gates at Brussels National Airport, please contact marijke.deroy@sncb.be.

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