Tuesday 5 May 2015
News from UIC Members

Sweden: Trafikverket signs contracts with three operators to run air services to and from Härjedalen, Tornedalen and northern Värmland

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Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration, has signed contracts with three operators to run air services to and from Härjedalen, Tornedalen and northern Värmland. Services start again on Monday 30 March.

”We are pleased to be able to offer so soon a good solution to the regions concerned for the period up until when the new four-year contract comes into effect at the end of October. We know that these routes are important for the accessibility of residents and the business community within the regions in question,” says Stefan Engdahl, Planning Director at Trafikverket.

The short-term contracts are a consequence of Trafikverket’s cancellation of the contract with the airline Avies on 6 March this year. Trafikverket has tried to make sure that the interruption in traffic would be as short as possible on those routes that are affected by the decision.

Three operators – Flexflight ApS, Nextjet AB and Jonair AB – have been awarded the new contracts following direct procurement.

The contracts will run for the period 30 March – 24 October 2015.

(Source: Trafikverket)

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