Tuesday 12 May 2015
Passengers / Innovation

IITS: International Innovation Technologies Seminar

25 – 26 May 2015, Saint Petersburg

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The seminar on “Travel documents distribution. Development of new distribution technologies” is to be held in Saint Petersburg from 25 – 26 May 2015.

The seminar will hold a plenary meeting with UIC, JSC-FPC and OSJD, for discussion on the integration of different transport types in a unique optimised chain using new IT technologies (principles of integrated mobility) and development of e-commerce.

E-ticketing is not only a technical, legal or commercial subject. It is part of a complex reality in which many different agents are involved and interlinked. Technology has made the world change; it is changing train travel. Developing new systems of ticketing reduces costs and meets customer expectations. In a world where time is of the greatest value, railway companies from all over the world are working to develop new systems that allow passengers to travel faster, safer and in a more comfortable way, with new services.

In this regard, railway companies are developing coherent solutions for ticket inspection procedures according to the e-ticketing systems they are using, and trying to achieve a balanced result.

This seminar serves as a platform for railways to openly discuss the integration of rail transport in the world transport system using innovative technologies.

The seminar will facilitate the exchange of experience, opinions and decisions with regard to the implementation of innovations presented by railways, international organisations such as UIC and OSJD, as well as IT companies.

For further information please contact Marc Guigon, Senior Advisor for Passenger Transport: guigon@uic.org

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