Tuesday 2 June 2015
Railway Security

12th session of the International Working Group on Land Transport Security (IWGLTS)

Jerusalem, 11 – 14 May 2015

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This international group was created at state level, first of all as part of the G8 plan, and then extended to include: Israel (2015 chair), Netherlands (2014 chair), Canada (2013 chair), Singapore (2012 chair), Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Russian Federation, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria (observer), Philippines, People’s Republic of China, Spain, USA and the UK. The European Commission is also part of the group and the UIC Security Division participates to represent railway stakeholders.

The meeting, hosted by the Israel Ministry of Transport and Road Safety from 11 – 14 May, focused on terrorism and cyber criminality. Several national presentations were put forward, dealing with the security of public transport in Israel. Various aspects were addressed: comprehensive strategy at state level, counter-terror legislation and regulation process, technologies deployed for railways security (stations, tracks and trains), security by early design (architectural guidelines, coordination) and human factors (training of bus drivers to face terror, insider threat mitigation regarding cyber security).

Regarding IWGLTS business, discussions were held on

  • The toolbox to mitigate actions against rail: this toolbox was created two years ago for decision-makers; it contains threat scenarios and the key vulnerabilities of the rail sector and provides information on types of measures in force in the various member countries. It will be soon available on a website developed by the TSA. UNECE and the European Commission are also willing to integrate it in their information system.
  • The working group on cyber criminality that was established in May 2014; it aims to assist the member states in addressing issues of strategic importance to the protection of the land transportation system from cyber threats. A questionnaire was developed in this framework: there are quite few answers at the moment and government representatives as well as professional associations such as UIC were asked to circulate it to their members.

A table top simulation exercise (train derailment following sabotage) as well as various technical visits were also organised by the Israel Ministry of transport with the International Institute for counter terrorism, Israel Railways, Ben-Gurion International Airport Security Department, Soreq Nuclear Research Centre and the IMI Academy for Advanced Security and Anti-terror Training. In addition, a SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) operation was simulated by the Israel Police special Patrol Unit.

The next IWGLTS will meet in April 2016 in Brussels under the chairmanship of the Belgium. It was agreed that the European Commission will host the meeting while Belgium formally chairs it.

Information on this 12th session will be given by a representative of the IWGLTS Chair during the workshop organised by the UIC Security Division on “Coping with terrorism: the role of human factors” in Paris from 16 – 17 June. In addition, representatives from the Israel Ministry of Transport will give two other presentations on “The Insider Threat and best practices for Mitigation – The Human Factors – Socio-technical Security in the Digital Age” and on “The Human Factors as a security sensor – passenger screening and security training. Best practices”.

If you are interested in this workshop, you may find further information and register online at http://www.uic.org/spip.php?article3393.

For more information please contact Marie-Hélène Bonneau: bonneau@uic.org

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