Tuesday 16 June 2015
Occupational Health

UIMC Medical Conference will take place in Berlin from 23 – 25 September 2015

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The forthcoming UIMC (International Union of Railway Medical Services) congress will take place in Berlin and Potsdam from 23 – 25 September 2015. Deutsche Bahn AG and its occupational health medical service IAS AG will host the international community of railway medical directors at this world conference.

UIMC is a special group of UIC and has been the scientific platform for railway medicine for more than 60 years now. At the conference, scientific presentations will range in a broad spectrum from medical aptitude criteria to the influence of psychiatric disorders on railway safety as well as health management of aging workforces. The traditional on-site visit will look closer into security issues and their implications for the health of staff and travellers. On 25 September, the UIMC General Assembly will elect a new management committee.

All railways are invited to send their chief medical adviser/head of medical service to this UIMC annual conference. Proof of this position/mandate of the railway company may be requested from applicants. The fee is €600 for one or two delegates, which covers the scientific and the framework programme. Please ask the organiser Deutsche Bahn AG for further details and registration at amelie.kohler@deutschebahn.com.

For further information please contact UIC Firdaous Outahr: outahr@uic.org

Or Dr Voumard SBB: Pierre-albert.voumard@sbb.ch

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