Tuesday 20 October 2015
EU Projects

The MERLIN team invites you to register for the project’s Final Conference: Smart Energy for Smarter Railways

Madrid, 10 December 2015 – FFE Headquarters Calle de Santa Isabel, 44 28012 Madrid, Spain

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Energy management is a key issue for railway systems and it will remain a top priority in the European transport agenda in the foreseeable future. The variety of operational scenarios within the system adds complexity to the development of solutions suitable for all users, i.e. operators and infrastructure managers alike.

Given that the railway system is a complex and interconnected system, a single entity such as a Railway Operator, a Rail Manufacturer or an Infrastructure Manager cannot tackle the energy management issue alone on behalf of the entire network.

Therefore to address this crucial issue, MERLIN partners have worked for three years to investigate and demonstrate the viability of an integrated management system in order to achieve a more sustainable and optimised energy usage in European electric mainline railway systems.

The MERLIN Final Conference will be the occasion to find out about the results of MERLIN and an opportunity to network with stakeholders from the whole European railway community.

Click here to download the full agenda and the logistics information on how to reach the venue!

Participation is free of charge and participants are requested to register here by 30 November 2015.

Highlights of the event:

  • The Strategic MERLIN methodology and process – Strategic Decision Making Tool
  • The Operational MERLIN methodology and process – Railway Energy Management System
  • Five Case Scenarios as example of MERLIN benefits
  • Energy Interactive session with involvement of participants
  • Technical visit to the ADIF Energy Control Centre at Atocha station where the control of the electrical system of a high speed railway line is centralised
  • Technical visit to the ADIF Traffic Control Centre at Atocha station where the management of the circulation of a high speed line is located

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Madrid!

Best regards,


For any further information please visit www.merlin-rail.eu

Or send an email to the MERLIN Coordinator at andrea.demadonna@unife.org or to the MERLIN Dissemination Work Package Leader at dekeyzer@uic.org

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