Tuesday 27 October 2015
News from UIC Members

Czech Republic: A new overtaking station for crossing of trains is being built at Harrachov

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The Railway Infrastructure Administration launched work on building a new overtaking station at Harrachov on the line from Liberec through Tanvald to the Polish railway station Szklarska Poręba Górna. The construction will be finalised this year so that assets of the project will be appreciated already in winter by passengers journeying on this line which is popular among tourists.

Building an overtaking station at Harrachov je is a necessary step for the implementation of the Liberec Region transport model on the line Liberec – Tanvald with a journey continuation of selected trains further in direction to Harrachov and Poland. Precisely Harrachov which is situated quite near the state border is the most suitable place for crossing of trains due to its position exactly between railway stations Tanvald and Szklarska Poręba Górna.

Modernisation of the Harrachov overtaking station will include a partial exchange of the railway superstructure and at the same time improving the parameters of the railway substructure. Given the altitude of 740 metres above sea level, switches with resetting point operating mechanisms will be equipped with electrical heating. The current dead-end manipulation track No 3 will be replaced by a relief track with the same designation which will acquire an external platform 110 metres long with atypical wooden roofing for passengers. The project also includes reconstruction of the current platform at track No 1, and the system of orientation will be renewed and lighting will be adapted. Access to trains will be barrier-free.

The total cost of investment for the construction designated as Building an overtaking station Harrachov amounts to 34,790,000 CZK (VAT excluded). The investor is the Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organisation. The project is proposed for co-financing by the European Union from its Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme Transport to the amount of 27,478,958 CZK. The remaining financial means from domestic resources will be provided by the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure.

(Source: SZDC)

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