Tuesday 24 November 2015
News from UIC Members

Czech Republic: Now travel more affordably to Berlin

From October a new ticket is available for commuters

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The journey from Prague to Berlin on the first morning connection is now reduced by up to 50%. Passengers now pay just CZK 386 (around 14 euros) for a First Minute Germany (Včasná jízdenka Německo) ticket. The significant discount on this train applies to journeys to other German destinations as well. For regular travel between Prague, Dresden and Berlin, ČD also offers a completely new kind of ticket for repeated journeys.

It is possible to travel more affordably aboard the morning EuroCity train Alois Negrelli departing Prague at six-thirty in the morning. In addition to Berlin, journeys to other destinations connecting from Dresden or Berlin have been significantly discounted as well. A ticket to Dresden now costs as little as CZK 248, to Leipzig or Erfurt as little as CZK 386, and to Hamburg, Rostock or Stralsund as little as CZK 524.

Attractive prices are available on other routes as well, thanks to online First Minute Europe (Včasná jízdenka Evropa) tickets. For example, a ticket from Prague via Dresden and Leipzig to Frankfurt am Main can be procured for as little as CZK 1,076 including part of the journey aboard an ICE high-speed train. Tickets can be purchased for journeys from various places in the Czech Republic and to various destinations in Germany.

More affordable travel for commuters

The new ČD Dresden 10× and ČD Berlin 10× tickets available from 1 October are intended for frequent travel between Prague and Dresden or Berlin. It allows for a total of ten journeys between the specified cities during a two-month period, for example five round-trip journeys from Prague to Germany and return. Tickets are issued in the name of a specific ticket holder and are valid for two months.

The price of a ČD Berlin ticket is EUR 199 (c. CZK 5,492) for second class and EUR 399 (c. CZK 11,012) for first class. The price for ten journeys to Dresden is EUR 99 (c. CZK 2,732) for second class and EUR 199 (c. CZK 5,492) for first class.

(Source: CD)

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