Tuesday 8 December 2015
News from UIC Members

Czech Republic: The Czech railway system is more open and competitive thanks to TAF-TSI implementation

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The Railway Infrastructure Administration completed the second stage of TAF-TSI implementation in its information systems. The primary reason for this project is to satisfy requirements for mutual data communication pursuant to the Regulation of the European Commission No 62/2006 (ES) concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the telematic applications for freight subsystem of the trans-European conventional rail system, in short TAF-TSI.

“An important asset of the project is improving openness and increasing competitiveness of the railway network towards neighbouring railway infrastructures, unifying information and communication systems and improving services of infrastructure managers for railway undertakings which is one of the prerequisites for increasing railway transport demand in the Czech Republic”, said Mr Pavel Surý, Director General of the Railway Infrastructure Administration.

Establishing an integrated complex of information systems that will ensure a consolidated system of traffic control in all stages of the train life cycle is undoubtedly important as well. This will enable better and more effective use of provided data and thus offer a possibility of a more effective use of the Czech railway network in terms of operation conditions within the EU.

Carrying out the final project stage ensured installing functions directly related to the current state of TAF-TSI European implementation, e.g. connection to common central code lists and using the European Common Interface, a connection to the central information system RNE TIS (Train Information System) for following international trains or finalising TAF-TSI functionalities in the operation control information system as well as basic and operational traffic planning. An adaptation of internal operational planning and control processes allowed practical accomplishment of TAF-TSI functionalities as defined for the interface with railway undertakings and other infrastructure managers.

The suppliers of separate parts of the construction designated as “Implementation of TAF-TSI in information systems of the Railway Infrastructure Administration, stage 2” were the companies AŽD Praha s.r.o., Institut Jana Pernera o.p.s., ČD – Informační systémy, a.s., and OLTIS Group a.s. Total eligible costs amounted to 39,700,000 CZK (around 1.5 million euros – VAT excluded). The project was approved for co-financing by the European Union under the Operational Programme Transport with a planned contribution from the Cohesion Fund amounting to 16,872,500 CZK (around 600,000 euros). National financing of the project was provided by the state budget and the Railway Infrastructure Administration’s own resources.

(Source: SZDC)

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