Tuesday 15 December 2015
News from UIC Members

Australia: Peak body for rail welcomes Queensland to join National Rail Safety Regulator

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The Australasian Railway Association welcomes the news that Queensland will join the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) next year.

“This is a great step forward – with Queensland joining the ONRSR we now have every jurisdiction involved,” said Danny Broad, Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Railway Association.

“The Australasian Railway Association believes it is crucial for rail safety to be delivered under the one national regulator –with uniform rules– to maximise safety for rail operators. Such an approach reduces the regulatory burden on industry and provides a more streamlined, efficient approach to rail safety with the backing of legislation.

“For more than 10 years the rail industry has been calling for consolidation of the seven rail safety regulators into the one national regulator. It’s pleasing to see collaboration between the States.

“The Australasian Railway Association looks forward to the final steps being taken to ensure the ONRSR is a truly national regulator. Industry will work with the ONRSR in a co-regulatory approach to deal with issues such as cost recovery methodology (including the regulatory cost associated with major projects) and the review of drugs and alcohol, and fatigue management,” said Mr Broad.

(Source: ARA)

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