Tuesday 23 February 2016
ERTMS / World Conference

Only 1 week left to register for the 12th ERTMS World Conference jointly organised by UIC and INFRABEL from 29 February – 2 March in Brussels!

“ERTMS – Managing long-term safety investment in a rapidly changing world”

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Over 550 participants from 30 countries already confirmed!

The 12th UIC ERTMS World Conference will be held from 29 February to 2 March 2016 in Brussels (Square Meeting Centre) close to the Central Station.

The conference is jointly organised by UIC, the worldwide association of railways grouping 240 members from 95 countries, and the Belgian Rail infrastructure manager INFRABEL under the patronage of the ‘Service public fédéral Mobilité et Transports’ of Belgium (Belgian Federal Public Service of Mobility and Transport).

29 February 2016: Technical visit by INFRABEL will be followed by the Opening Cocktail Party at the Train World Museum.

The speaker’s preliminary programme of the conference will be as follows:

1 March 2016, Venue: Square Meeting Centre, Brussels

Opening Session:

Mr. Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General, UIC
Mr. Luc Lallemand, CEO INFRABEL
Mr. Olivier Onidi, Director at the European Mobility Network Directorate, DG MOVE, European Commission
Mr. Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director, European Railway Agency ERA
Mr. Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE
Mr. Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER
Ms. Kerstin Schreiber, CEO of Funkwerk AG, GSM-R IG
Mrs. Jacqueline Galant, Belgian Federal Minister for Mobility

Official Ribbon Ceremony and Press Meeting

SESSION 1: Long term vision on Safety, Security and Testing
Chairman: Mr. Luc Lallemand, CEO INFRABEL

Topic 1- INFRABEL Mr. Yves Werner
Topic 2- UIC, Dr. Marc Antoni
Topic 3- UIC & GSM-R IG, Mr. Darren Hepburn (NR) and Pierpaolo Di Labio (Selex)
Topic 4- DLR, Dr. Meyer zu Hörste
Topic 5- Thales, Dr. Hans Kraft

SESSION 2: Migration
Chairman: Mr. Josef Doppelbauer, ERA Executive Director

Topic 1- INFRABEL, Mr. Jo De Bosschere
Topic 2- EUG, Mr. Rob Dijkman
Topic 3- Alstom, Mr. Vincent Passau
Topic 4- Rail Cargo Austria, Mr. Bamberger
Topic 5- VTEC/Nigel Cay NR, Mr. Paul Boyle

SESSION 3: Global Opportunities and Challenges
Chairman: UNIFE Mr. Michel Van Liefferinge

Topic 1- Thales, Ms. Gemma Salazar
Topic 2- CARS, China Railways, Mr. Zhao Yang
Topic 3- TCDD, Turkish Railways, Mr. Ozgur Karabacak
Topic 4- ONCF
Topic 5- CFR/UIC/University of Wels/RCCF Brasov, Mr. Dan Marian Costescu, Mr. Teodor Gradinariu, Mr. Burkhard Stadmann, Mr. Ioan Nodea

SESSION 4: Telecom
Chairman: Mr. Robert Sarfati, Systra

Topic 1- GSM-R IG, NOKIA, Mr. Michael Kloecker
Topic 2- GSM-R IG, Frequentis, Mr. Markus Myslivec
Topic 3- GSM-R IG, Kapsch CarrierCom, Mr. Olivier Eudes
Topic 4- GSM-R IG, Sierra Wireless, Mr. Philippe Branly
Topic 5- Alcatel-Lucent, Mr. Emanuele Di Liberto

Evening: Official Gala Dinner

2 March 2016, Venue: Square Meeting Centre, Brussels

SESSION 5: Financing + Asset Management
Chairman: Piero Petruccioli, Senior Advisor UIC

Topic 1- INFRABEL, Mr. Hans Menschaert
Topic 2- UNIFE
Topic 3- OXAND/UIC, Mr. Remy Jacquier and Mr. Marc Antoni
Topic 4- SBB, Mr. Ingo Wendler
Topic 5- EY, Mr. Nicolas Gohel (on behalf of the EC)

SESSION 6: Operations
Chairman: Mr. Michel Ruesen, Director of ERTMS Users’ Group

Topic 1- AZD Praha, Mr. Vladimir Kampik:
Topic 2- CAF Signalling, Mr. Frederic Charlemagne
Topic 3- RFI, Mr. Fabio Senesi (RFI)
Topic 4: Bombardier, Mr. Giancarlo Trignani
Topic 5: Ansaldo STS, Mr. Antonio Casazza

SESSION 7: Evolution
Chairman: Dr. Marc Antoni, Director of UIC Rail System Department

Topic 1- Siemens, Mr. Ruediger Brandt
Topic 2- CER, Mr Hosoya (MRCE)
Topic 3- UIC/SNCF Réseau, Mr. Jean Cellmer (SNCF Réseau) and Mr. Dan Mandoc (Network Rail)
Topic 4- MerMec, Mr. Francesco Inzirillo
Topic 5- ERA, Mr. Pio Guido

Conclusion of the Conference with Round Table on the theme:
“Will ERTMS meet the challenges of long term safety requirements in a rapidly changing world?”
Exchanges on perspectives at global level
UIC final remarks and next ERTMS conference

Registration: http://www.ertms-conference2016.com/Delegates-registration

General information: http://www.ertms-conference2016.com/

Conference programme: http://www.ertms-conference2016.com/Conference-preliminary-programme

Technical Visits: Information at http://www.ertms-conference2016.com/Technical-Visit-by-INFRABEL

For further information please visit the conference website: www.ertms-conference2016.com

Or contact Barbara Mouchel, ERTMS Conference Coordinator: mouchel at uic.org

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