Tuesday 23 February 2016

TAP meetings held from 15 – 18 February 2016 in Paris

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From 15 – 18 February the meetings of TAG, REG and TAP-MD working groups – part of the Technical Groups of the Commercial and Distribution Forum Technical Group – were held at UIC headquarters in Paris.

The meetings began with the Ticketing Action Group chaired by Mr David Sarfatti. Discussions began with the updating of Leaflet 918/2. Later on, information was given about the work of TSG (Ticketing Security Group), and TLG (Ticketing Layout Group). There were also updates on the work of the UIC Barcode Control App project and the PRISM project.

Sessions continued with the Reservation Experts Group (REG) working group, chaired by the president, Mr Jan Klaumünzner. It started with a presentation given by Peter Maleux (NMBS/ SNCB) which included the new agreements between DSB and BENE for the implementation of the new ticketing system within DSB. The issue of multiple cancellation reply within the reservation systems was discussed, and information was provided on the testing of the different reservation systems that are being implemented by companies all around Europe.

The final meeting was the TAP-Maintenance and Development working group meeting chaired by Mr Clemens Gantert. During this meeting there were presentations from all the related working groups that are part of UIC’s work and also from companies that wanted to share their new developments. There was also a presentation from CIT regarding their new ticketing manual followed by a lively discussion.

The next TAG, REG and TAP-MD meetings will take place from 23 – 26 May at UIC headquarters.

For further information please contact Luis Casado, Senior Advisor for Passenger Transport: casado@uic.org

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