Tuesday 1 March 2016
News from UIC Members

Croatia: Renata Suša appointed CER Management Committee Vice-Chairwoman

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On 17 February 2016, at the CER General Assembly, held in Brussels, Ms Renata Suša, the President of HŽ Infrastruktura Management Board, was elected CER Management Committee Vice-Chairwoman (CER – Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies).

This is the first time Croatia has its own representative within CER Management Committee, the highest body in this organisation, representing the vast majority of EU rail business, and its main role is to represent the interests of its members on the EU policy-making scene, in particular to support an improved business and regulatory environment for European railway operators and railway infrastructure companies.

The position, which will held by Ms Renata Suša, is a new vice-chairman title in the CER Management Committee. Other vice-chairman positions are currently held by Mr Rüdiger Grube (CEO of the German Railways – DB), Mr Andreas Meyer (CEO of Swiss Federal Railways – SBB AG), Mr. Guillaume Pepy (CEO of French Railways – SNCF), and Mr Christian Kern, CEO of Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), is the Committee Chairman.

On the occasion of CER Management Committee appointment, Ms Renata Suša said:

“I am very pleased to have become a member of the Management Committee of such a renowned railway institution. This is not just a personal recognition, but also a recognition for HŽ Infrastruktura, which I am proud to represent and which I will be representing in Bruxelles, as well as the entire Croatian rail sector. I will endeavour for our proposals to be heard and considered at an international level and for Croatia to position itself on the railway map of Europe as best as possible. Achieving a single sustainable European railway market is the common goal of European railways, and the development and investment in railway infrastructure are key to realizing ambitious plans, which have been envisaged for the railway sector at the level of Europe. Primarily, this has to do with increasing efficiency and raising the quality of railway services, which is also extremely important for the achievement of global and European climate goals, to which the railway significantly contributes as one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport. Furthermore, it is important to additionally strengthen and develop multimodal traffic, in which railways also play an important part; and in this segment, Croatia should use the advantages of its geographical position as much as possible.”

About CER:

The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) is an independent group of the International Union of Railways (UIC). CER is based in Bruxelles, and other than railway undertakings from EU member states as its members, there are also railways from Norway and Switzerland, as well as Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova and Turkey.
CER member companies, 74 of them, represent 73 per cent of the European rail network length, 80 per cent of the European rail freight business and 96 of rail passenger operations in the EU.

(Source: HŽ Infrastruktura)

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Renata Suša appointed CER Management Committee Vice-Chairwoman © HŽ Infrastruktura