Tuesday 1 March 2016
News from UIC Members

Taiwan/Japan: TRA and RTRI sign Agreement for Technical Cooperation to enhance mutual linkage on technical exchange

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Following the signing of the MoU with Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) in July 2015, Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has concluded an Agreement for Technical Cooperation with the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) in Japan. This agreement means that more active and close exchange on railway technologies between Japan and Taiwan will take place. The subsequent and regular exchanges of railway technologies will help TRA to ensure railway operation safety and increase transport quality.

The RTRI technical delegation was invited to Taiwan in October 2014 to discuss about the preventive strategies for catenary accident and safety technologies with TRA staff. Dr Okumura and his colleagues again arranged a visit to TRA in 2015 to discuss collaboration topics and to ensure that the signing would take place on 25 January 2016.

Dr Joe Chou, Director General of TRA, said, “President Satoshi Seino from JR East told me that people are so excited railway transport is to be opened after the 311 earthquake damage. This situation totally reveals the importance of railway life style. So let’s work together for the people.” In the future, the cooperation may be involved with not only technology licensing but also talent cultivation to strengthen railway transport service and quality.

After the signing ceremony, TRA is also participating in the Asia Railway Technology Forum 2016 to interact with railway professionals from the international community. This forum is intending to serve as a platform, allowing the professionals and experts from the railway industry to share experience and discuss a variety of issues related to safety assurance and transport quality. TRA aims to move towards a profitable and competitive business entity with a strong capability to manage different kinds of future challenges.

(Source: Taiwan Railways Administration)

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