Tuesday 22 March 2016
Rail Freight / International Conference

GRFC 2016, the 5th UIC Global Rail Freight Conference will attract all actors of rail freight and logistics to Rotterdam on 22 &23 June under the theme “Shaping together the Business of the Future”

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Organizing Committee met in Rotterdam

The Organizing Committee of GRFC 2016, the 5th UIC Global Rail Freight Conference organized under the Patronage of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment will take place in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) on 22&23 June 2016.

The gobal conference will follow the TEN-T Days organized in Rotterdam by the European Commission and the European Rail Freight Corridor event organized by the Dutch Presidency of the European Union.

The UIC Global Rail Freight Conference GRFC is supported by the OTIF (Intergovermental Organization for International Carriage by Rail) and Unites Nations’ UNECE as well as by a number of international and railway associations: BIC, CIT, GCU, UNIFE, UIP, ERFA, Rail Cargo, UIRR, etc.

Under the main theme “Shaping together the Business of the Future”, the UIC GRFC 2016 will address among others following topics:

  • From Shanghai to Rotterdam: the landbridge concept 10 years on,
  • Strategies to deliver opportunities and enhance effectiveness,
  • Rail Freigh 4.0: innovation and digitalization for global solutions,
  • The workforce of the future: digital skills and human capital.

The GRFC 2016 Organizing Committee was held on 11 March in Rotterdam with participation of the UIC Freight and Communications Departments as well as Europoint and ProMedia, the Dutch professional conference organizer.

The meeting was held at the future location of GRFC 2016: the famous Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam (part of UNESCO World Heritage).

For more information please visit the conference website www.grfc2016.com or contact in UIC Freight Department Mrs. Sandra Géhenot, Freight Senior Advisor, project manager of GRFC 2016, gehenot@uic.org

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