Tuesday 26 April 2016
News from UIC Members

Czech Republic: Track section rebuilt at Česká Třebová Station

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The Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration has rebuilt the railway superstructure and adjoining switches on the so-called “Fourth Set” of sorting sidings at Česká Třebová freight yard. The project helped fulfil the general objective of Operational Programme for Transport - Priority Axis 1, which aims to improve rail transport on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

The project involved upgrading the railway substructure and superstructure, specifically track brakes and track cables, as well as reconstructing the track brakes on sorting tracks. Safety and signalling equipment, air conditioning distribution and local cabling were also enhanced. The electrical substation, the catenary and sorting track lighting were also rebuilt. Builders also installed a new electrical heating system for switches and completed the remote diagnostics system.

“Česká Třebová is an important railway junction on one of the most heavily used railway lines in the Czech republic: Praha – Kolín – Česká Třebová. The primary aim of rebuilding the sorting tracks was to increase station capacity and ensure both higher operational reliability of the tracks and operating safety“, said Railway Infrastructure Administration Director-General Mr Pavel Surý.

The replacement of the current pneumatic track brakes by modern hydraulic ones has cut operating and energy costs. The new brakes on the Fourth Set form the basis for modernisation of the hump yard as a whole, and enable integration with the new KOMPAS system, which will be used to manage safety in the yard in future.

Reconstruction of the Fourth Set of sorting tracks at Česká Třebová railway station cost a total of 316,639,211 CZK (excluding VAT). The project was eligible for co-financing by the European Union under the Operational Programme for Transport, with a contribution from the Cohesion Fund set to amount to 247,509,701 CZK. National funding came from the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure. The company contracted to perform the work was Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice a.s.

(Source: CZDC)

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