Tuesday 3 May 2016
News from UIC Members

Germany: DB defines test routes for new noise-protection systems

Suppliers and universities called upon to develop new noise-protection products and concepts

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In cooperation with Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is launching the “Noise protection: trialling new and application-focused solutions” (I-LENA) initiative. The initiative, which will run from April 2016 to the end of 2020, for the first time offers developers and manufacturers of noise-protection systems the opportunity to test their innovations “live” on two DB lines, with the costs to be borne by the BMVI.

“In collaboration with developers and manufacturers, we are bringing noise-protection systems straight out of the lab and onto the tracks. In Bavaria and Brandenburg, we are creating innovation corridors for modern noise protection, on which new ideas, prototypes and products can be implemented, tested and upgraded in regular operations. To achieve this, we are supplying 5 million euros in funding”, said Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt.

“The aim of this initiative is not only to help suppliers implement new noise-protection systems. It is also to promote competition in a future market which is in urgent need of innovative products if it is to develop further. At the same time, upgrading existing and effective noise-protection systems is a prerequisite in strengthening railways as a mode of transport in the long term”, said Deutsche Bahn Noise Protection Officer Ines Jahnel.

(Source: Deutsche Bahn)

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