Mr Ahmet Arslan, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication, carried out examinations on the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line, Kars Logistic Centre and Ankara-Kars Rapid Railway Line Project.
Mr Arslan also expressed that the “Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line is our indispensable project. We will complete the construction of this line, which is the missing part of the Iron Silk Railway Project, at the end of this year.
Considering the fact that there is approximately 31 trillion USD worth of trade volumes in this region and 1.5 billion people are living here, this project is of great importance. We aim to establish an intermediate corridor excluding the North corridor from Asia to Europe and South corridor running through the south of Caspian, which are the international corridors.
This is the target of the Republic of Turkey. We aim to complete the construction of the Ankara-Kars Rapid Railway Line Project, which is carried out in order to transport the goods to Kars more rapidly, in 2023, the 100th anniversary of our Republic.”
(Source: TCDD)