Tuesday 30 August 2016
Railway Security / International Conference

CRITIS 2016 – Call for participation: Early bird registration extended until 10 September 2016

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The 11th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security will take place from 10 – 12 October 2016 at the UIC Headquarters, uniting government experts, regulators, scientists, academics, service providers, and other stakeholders in one conference to secure infrastructures.

Registration discounts
Registration at reduced rates is still open. To register, please go to the dedicated website page (http://critis2016.org/registration), which will guide you through the process. There is a discounted fee for confirmed speakers, attending students, as well as for members of external associated events (IMPROVER and CIPRNet projects). In addition, there is an early bird rate before 10 September 2016. Registration will close five working days before the event.

Keynote speakers
As in previous years, invited keynote speakers and special events will complement a programme of original research and stakeholder contributions. Four invited speakers have already confirmed their attendance with presentations on hot topics of the moment (http://critis2016.org/keynote-speakers).

Dr Artūras PETKUS (NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, Lithuania) will give a CIPRNet Lecture entitled: “CEIP and Energy Security from the Perspective of NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence”.
Commander Cyril STYLIANIDIS (Ministry of Interior, General Directorate for Civil Protection and Crisis Management, France) will provide an overview of “The Crisis Interministerial Cell (CIC), the French tool for interministerial level crisis management”, illustrated with recent examples from France.
Mr Kris CHRISTMANN (University of Huddersfield, Applied Criminology Centre, UK) will give an overview of the “Findings from the PRE-EMPT Project: Establishing Best Practice for Reducing Serious Crime and Terrorism at Multi-Modal Passenger Terminals (MMPT)”.
Dr Paul THERON (Thales Communications & Security, France) will present “A way towards a fully bridged European certification of IACS cybersecurity”, related to the work of DG JRC’s ERNCIP Thematic Group on IACS cybersecurity certification.

Associated events
In addition, several C(I)IP-related events will be organised at UIC during the days following CRITIS. These associated events (http://critis2016.org/associated-events) will be organised in parallel and will be open to registered CRITIS participants, but the number of places is limited. Registration is therefore made on a “first come first served” basis. For example, the IMPROVER Workshop: “Meeting public expectations in response to crises” – aims to discuss how infrastructure operators meet these requirements today and how this can be improved. The programme will begin with a short introduction to the project and then detail the findings from the project with regard to public tolerance to service disruption. Then some scenarios will be presented before discussion with the operators about public expectations and crisis management.

Call for Sponsors and Exhibitions
Given its wide scope and interesting topics, but also due to its scientific quality and impact in the worldwide Critical (Information) Infrastructure Security (C(I)IP) community, CRITIS 2016 can also be the perfect opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors. A limited number of opportunities are available for organisations and companies that wish to exhibit at this conference: http://critis2016.org/sponsors-and-exhibition

Programme and additional information
The programme is based on the 30 accepted papers which cover one of the following topics: (1) Technologies: Innovative responses for the protection of cyber-physical systems; (2) Procedures and organisational aspects in C(I)IP: Policies, best practices and lessons learned; (3) Advances in Human Factors, decision support, and cross-sector C(I)IP approaches; (4) Special private stakeholder session; (5) Young CRITIS and CIPRNet Young CRITIS Award (CYCA). All accepted papers will be included in full length in the conference pre-proceedings. The selected post-proceedings will be included in a special volume published by Springer-Verlag. The full CRITIS 2016 programme is available on the conference website: http://critis2016.org/programme.

We look forward to welcoming you in Paris in October 2016.

For further information please visit: www.critis2016.org or contact the programme chair Grigore Havârneanu: havarneanu at uic.org.

If you are interested in sponsoring CRITIS 2016 or reserving an Exhibition Package, please contact Ms. Barbara Mouchel: mouchel at uic.org

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