Tuesday 13 September 2016
Railway Research

REFINET (REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks)

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Composed of eight partners including UIC and coordinated by CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building), REFINET is a two-year collaborative R&D project funded by the European Commission under H2020 that was started in May 2015. Launching a European long-term ambition and initiative to increase the overall performance of multimodal transport infrastructures, the REFINET CSA (Coordination and Support Action) intends to create a sustainable network of European and international stakeholder representatives of all transport modes and transport infrastructure sectors. This network is supported by UIC through its participation in the REFINET EC funded project, by two other European projects related to REFINET, FOX and USE-iT, (FOX: Forever Open infrastructure across (X) all transport modes; USE-iT: Users, Safety, security and Energy In Transport Infrastructure, http://www.useitandfoxprojects.eu/) and by the ECTP (the European construction Technology Platform).

Railway infrastructure managers and operators are welcome to join the REFINET network. Being part of this network will foster your cooperation with relevant stakeholders in Europe. You will also be able to contribute and influence the development of the upcoming European vision of how to specify, design, build or renovate, and maintain the multimodal European transport infrastructure network of the future along with innovative processes to enhance the effectiveness of the sector, and develop a Strategic Implementation Plan with a comprehensive set of priority actions. You will find more information about REFINET at http://refinet.eu/.

We look forward to receiving your answer and to welcoming you soon in this new endeavour!

For further information, and if you are interested in joining this network please contact Dennis Schut:


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