Dear colleagues,
During the last statutory assemblies and security congress, UIC decided to launch an additional programme on security in 2016. The first Security Week was held from 20 – 24 June and we can now confirm the dates of the second Security Week to discuss the first results.
The second Security Week will take place at Paris UIC HQ from 18 – 19 October 2016.
The organisation of this security week is as follows:
Tuesday, 18.10.16
08.30 – 09.00 Registration
09:00 – 12:30 2016 Security Programme: workshop on Security Training and Communication
12:30 – 14:00 Buffet lunch
14:00 – 17:00 2016 Security Programme: workshop on Information Exchange for International Trains
18:00 – 19.00 Cocktail reception (1st floor, UIC )
Wednesday, 19.10.16
09:00 – 13:00 2016 Security Programme: workshop on Crisis Management
- Additional Programme with the Benchmark Study and the Recommendations
- The EU Project Predict
New Perspectives in Crisis Management and Training: Prepare for the Domino Effect in Crisis Situations (PREDICT).
The aim of the EU funded PREDICT project is to develop a comprehensive software solution for dealing with cascading effects in multi-sectoral crisis situations, covering aspects of critical infrastructures.
Based on a complex derailment scenario, that involves the spillage of dangerous goods and the cascade of events that can occur, the current abilities of the PREDICT solution will be demonstrated and discussed. Furthermore, we will receive your input about the potential of the PREDICT solution in training and operational scenarios
13:00 – 14:00 Buffet lunch
14:00 – 17:00 Security Platform Topics
- Refugees Flows, their presence in railway transport and the consequences.
- New ways for UIC the Security Division and Platform to quickly respond to actual incidents and resulting members needs for information exchange.
Save the date and make your travel and accommodation arrangements as soon as possible.
You can already sign-up using the following link:
The detailed agenda and programme are on the website:
Please contact Jacques Colliard (colliard at for any further information you may require.
Looking forward to meeting you.