RailAdapt is a UIC initiative aimed at keeping UIC Members informed and prepared, in support of national Adaptation Plans, UN agreements and EU encouragement to reduce risks and costs whilst improving railways’ resilience in the face of Climate Change. Building resilience in transport has been given a boost since the United Nations climate negotiations in Paris (COP 21) and Marrakech (COP 22), where all of the world governments agreed to develop adaptation plans. Railways will play no small part in this.
UIC is supporting its members by arranging a series of fact-finding and briefing workshops during 2017. UIC is inviting members and other key stakeholders to share experience and outline what support railways have and will need from governments and investors to help make the case and secure funding for improving the resilience of rail services. The findings of the workshop will provide timely input to the reviewed EU strategy on Adaption and associated EU Staff Working Document due to be published in 2018.
For more details about RailAdapt, see the flyer
Regional asset engineers, local operations managers, senior national directors, responsible for long term planning, economics and finance or those interested in corporate risks.
Do not hesitate to register here
Please know that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.