Tuesday 14 March 2017

CRITIS 2017: 12th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security – Call for Papers

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The 12th edition of the International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS) will take place between 9 – 11 October 2017 at the IMT premises, in Lucca, Italy. CRITIS 2017 continues the efforts to bring together scientist, experts, policy makers and professionals from academia, industry and governmental organisations engaged in the field of the security of critical (information) infrastructure systems. CRITIS provides a bridge for the different research communities and disciplines involved in the CIP and encourages discussions, conceptualisations and modelling, especially when based on multi-disciplinary approaches.

Invited keynote speakers and special satellite events will complement a programme of original research and stakeholder contributions. We foresee two associated Workshops (on Energy and Water), a specific session for Operators to allow the presentation of practical problems or solutions at applied levels, and a dedicated session for EU and national projects to present their current activities.
Following the success of CRITIS 2016 organisation in Paris by UIC Security Division, and to ensure continuity with the previous edition, Grigore Havârneanu was appointed Program Co-Chair for CRITIS 2017.

Call for papers

Main topics: Cyber Security; Human Factors; Transport; Emergency Management; Urban Resilience; Trust and Information Sharing; Methods, Analyses and Models. Besides these main sectors, other scientific improvements in the field of security and protection of our complex society are eligible.

Papers submitted via EasyChair must be formatted using the LNCS Springer template and will be double blind reviewed. For poster contributions, submission can be limited to an extended abstract. All accepted contributions will be included in full length in the pre-proceedings that will appear at the time of the conference; accepted papers are planned to be published in the LNCS Springer-Verlag series.
In accordance with CRITIS tradition, special attention will be devoted to young talents though the Young Critis Award (YCA). To this purpose, a prize will be awarded to the best contribution presented by a young author.

Special dissemination sessions

In order to foster the link between the Operators and experts from academic or research institutions, a specific “Operator Session” is planned where Operators will present specific issues or their innovative solutions. While the participation to this session does not require the submission of an abstract, nor the publication of any proceedings, the Operators may also participate to the conference as any other contributor.
To the purpose of providing a dissemination opportunity, a “Project Session” is also planned where projects on C(I)IP will be given the opportunity to present its state of the art, preliminary results and ongoing work. In addition, CRITIS this session will represent a unique occasion to strengthen or create consortia for future project proposals.

Key dates

Paper submission: June 2
Registration open: July 1
Acceptance notification: July 15
Camera-ready papers: September 1
CRITIS Conference: October 9–11
CRITIS Satellite Workshops: October 12–13

For further information on CRITIS 2017 please visit the website www.critis2017.org.

If you wish to participate in the Operator or Project session, please contact Grigore Havârneanu (Research Advisor – UIC Security Division):


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