ACRI is seeking regular train travellers in Brisbane to be equipped with eye tracking glasses in the latest stage of ACRI’s research into passenger navigation through stations and trains and factors that may contribute to slips, trips and falls.
The eye tracking glasses record what participants look at while they travel, using one video camera to capture what passengers are looking at and another to capture their eye movements.
There will also be a focus on testing high risk travellers such as elderly, people with disability and travellers with children to inform ways to improve rail station and train layouts.
Preventing slips, trips and falls on trains and at railway stations is an ongoing safety priority for rail transport operators. A number of engineering treatments and other safety measures are in place across the industry; yet a significant number of slip, trip and fall incidents involving passengers and other rail users continue to occur. ACRI has partnered with a research team from the Queensland University of Technology led by Professor Vesna Popovic (People and Systems (PAS) lab) and Dr Gregoire Larue (CARRS-Q – Centre for Road Safety and Accident Research Queensland).
The first stage of the project identified that there is a lack of current research into slip, trip and fall events, causative factors that lead to these types of incidents and information on countermeasures.
(Source: ACRI)