Tuesday 29 May 2018

10th edition of ILCAD, “International Level Crossing Awareness Day”, 7 June 2018

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To celebrate the 10th edition of ILCAD and stick to the public targeted, we have created three posters in English, French and Spanish that ILCAD partners may use for their campaign (see posters opposite).

Each year, ILCAD partners select an overarching theme for the awareness campaign. This year, the message will focus on “Young level crossing users”, who often demonstrate risky behaviour both on the roads and at the road/rail interface.

Since young people around the world like taking risks, love watching blockbuster films like Mad Max, Bladerunner, etc., and identify with the main characters in these films, we have decided to create three posters on this topic with male or female characters and of various origins. We wanted them to show that the characters respect the rules and have values.

Please note that the illustrations used have been drawn by hand. We hope that you will like them. Please visit our social network to give your opinion.


ILCAD partners may also use the videos created jointly with Network Rail on the topic “Young users” and particularly:

N.B: You need 3D glasses to watch the films. All episodes (1 to 7) are available on YouTube with Network Rail and UIC logos. They are free to use as long as they are not used for profit. Members of UIC and ILCAD are allowed to use them to promote rail safety and are free to promote the App, in their home country as soon as it is available and the YouTube films.

Please click below to see the final programme of the ILCAD 2018 launch conference on 7 June for which over 150 persons have registered so far.


Please note that on 7 June there will be parallel to the conference:

  • An exhibition of level crossing technologies
  • A road/rail safety Village
  • A technical visit on June 8 around Zagreb.
  • The conference shall be broadcast on 7 June 2018 on www.ilcad.org
  • We have launched a new Facebook page on which all kind of information related to ILCAD 2018, the conference and partners activities will be posted please like it https://www.facebook.com/ILCAD/

For any questions, please contact Isabelle Fonverne: fonverne at uic.org

Website: www.ilcad.org

Youtube: https://bit.ly/2GWJNKq

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