Tuesday 2 October 2018

UIC International Digital Conference to be organised by UIC and Infrabel from 3 – 5 June 2019 in Brussels

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Dear Colleagues and Partners,

In this 21st century, rail faces the challenges of the Digital Revolution.
Rail has already survived several revolutions:

  • the 19th century saw the first Industrial Revolution ;
  • the 20th century saw the oil crisis followed by major changes in information technology.

The input of digital technology in our society will be fundamental in adapting our transport systems in terms of productivity, services and security.
Transport is becoming the optimised access to a succession of spaces and time slots with various modes.
The management of their interfaces is also key to sustainable development in our sector.
An integrated chain of mobility is the answer, but we have to be increasingly aware that rail is the backbone of this multimodal chain.

Therefore, the management of data through machine learning, QR codes, blockchain technology, facial recognition, cloud computing and AI is fundamental to coordinate all modes in a new approach of accessibility that UIC is promoting internationally as “SICICOM”:
Sustainable Integrated Connected International Chain of Mobility.

In this rapidly changing world, UIC’s new objectives are to bring new ideas, benchmark technical solutions within our community and develop a long-term vision sustained by standards and innovations. This is why we are proposing a number of projects and conferences worldwide.

In this spirit, we are organising the First Intelligent Digital Rail global UIC Conference in partnership with Infrabel from 3 – 4 June 2019 in Brussels.
This event will be open to our railway community, other associations, industry partners, universities and to the global digital ecosystem.

Looking forward to a fruitful conference at the service of our International Railway community.

UIC Director General
CEO Infrabel

For further information please contact Francis Bedel, Chief Digital Officer:

bedel at uic.org

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