This spring, the Hungarian Cyclists’ Club organised the well-known Bike and Breakfast programme nationwide to create a healthier and happier community, a more liveable environment and to foster cycle commuting to work. Similar to previous years, MAV Group joined this initiative.
On 6 May 2019, between 7am and 9am, the representatives of MAV Group awaited commuter cyclists with delicacies and refreshments at the Headquarters of MAV Co. and at Boráros square in Budapest.
In many countries cyclists are an important feeder of public modalities. By joining this initiative, MAV Group wishes to draw the attention to the link between rail and bicycle transport and to highlight that MAV-START Co. passenger transportation company considers the continuous development of the service for the carriage of bicycles as a priority.
In recent years, MÁV-START Co. has spent millions of euros on the establishment of rolling stock fit for the transportation of bicycles. In addition, MAV Co. is also making the effort to represent the interests of cycling passengers during station development activities – renovations, environmental management – and pays special attention to the development of bicycle parking stations in the case of investment.
(Source: MÁV.)