Thursday 19 February 2009

Green Light for TAF-TSI Deployment - Common Components Group (CCG) established

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The TAF-TSI Deployment Chairman, Mr Jan Sundling, sees the TAF-TSI
regulation as an integral tool for making rail freight more competitive and meeting the needs of customers in the areas of transit time reliability and shipment information. He sees the regulation as a means to ensure that efficient interchange of information is adapted so that the rail transport process may become economically viable and that freight transport on rail
and can more efficiently address the intense competition in today’s market.
The TAF-TSI Steering Board recently took the first step toward realisation by reaffirming the creation of the TAF-TSI Common Components Group (CCG). This will allow the industry to adhere to the planned schedule for developing the building blocks necessary for implementing the Technical Specification for Interoperability. The Common Components will
serve as the communications backbone to allow secure and efficient data exchange.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Jean-Jacques Woeldgen from the European Commission, who will be replacing Mr Antonio Colaço as the desk officer responsible for interoperability projects. Mr. Woeldgen announced that the Telematics Applications for Freight is a priority for the Commission and they will support the good progress that has been made to date and
to help ensure that the work can go ahead on-schedule. The Commission has also approved a 1 million euro funding package under the TEN-T call, supporting the Common Component initiative - confirming their commitment to this public-private partnership.

An informal follow-up meeting was held with the European Commission and key industry representatives on 21 July to address open issues amongst the stakeholders. It was underlined that the CCG initiative is an important first step toward full implementation. Mr. Sundling added that we must not lose momentum on the project and that we need to implement the TAF-TSI step-by-step as foreseen in the Deployment Plan in order to satisfy the needs of many different Stakeholders. The Steering Board is made up of representatives of stakeholders and includes members of the UIC, CER, EIM, ERFA, UIP, RNE and other representative organisations.

The minimum number of signatures necessary for the creation of the CCG has already been received, however the first General Assembly of the CCG will not be held until after the final signature date. Mr. Sundling stated that this is first time that industry is working together on a common project and is pleased that it has agreed on this first milestone.

For more information please contact John Lutz: lutz at

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