Tuesday 16 April 2013
Rail Research

10th WCRR – World Conference on Rail Research (25 – 27 November 2013, Sydney)

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The World Congress on Railway Research is the world’s foremost international forum for the promotion, development and exchange of the latest innovations in the global rail industry.
The WCRR 2013 will see the exchange of best practice between researchers, manufacturers and operators from across the global rail industry. Besides that it is an ideal opportunity for networking.

The conference will take place in Sydney, Australia, the world renowned tourist and business destination.
By combining the conference with the flagship Australasian rail conference and exhibition AusRAIL PLUS, the joint event will create the biggest ever rail conference/exhibition hosted in the region.

The UIC is – along with a number of distinguished UIC members – involved in the organisation of this prestigious event which in the press has recently also been mentioned as “the Olympic Games of Rail Research”.

At the initiative of the UIC, an exclusive deal has been signed with Emirates Airlines which will give participants of WCRR a considerable reduction on their flight tickets from any global destination to and from Sydney.

You will find all information about the exciting WCRR 2013 programme (including a partner programme) as well the special Emirates rates for your affordable return flights on the official website at http://www.wcrr2013.org which also includes an informative introduction and welcome audio-visual message by Bryan Nye, the CEO of the Australian Railway Association.

For further information, please contact Dennis Schut: schut at uic.org

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