2024 Communications Needs of UIC Departments and Regions


The questionnaire is meant to gather your needs for communication services which will be included in the UIC’s Communication Plan 2024.
The overall communication strategy is in line with the UIC work programme for the period 2023-2025.

Each UIC service, department and/or direction is therefore kindly invited to provide a key message, as well as an appropriate narrative to illustrate their added value.
In each UIC region, appropriate messages will have to be developed too. A region-by-region narrative will be prepared in coordination with the UIC regional coordinators.

Reminder :

  • UIC has 2 types of narrative : a technical narrative and an advocacy approach [1] .
  • To accelerate action for more sustainable mobility, 3 key enablers are needed :
    • Technologies at hand
    • A new transport paradigm
    • Rail as the backbone of mobility together with other modes of public transport.

Example of key message and narrative :
“Integrated ticketing, advanced Telecoms (UIC FRMCS) and autonomous driving are about to be available. Digital technologies and green initiatives can be combined in a way that reinforce each other to advance sustainable development. The UIC, with its members, is committed and ready to make the change.”

Question 1

Please name 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses related to communication in your field over the past year.

Question 2

Please describe your technical narrative here : which is the added value produced by your service/department/region in relation to the UIC's strategic axes related applicable to your filed of activity ?

Question 3

Please describe your advocacy narrative here : what message would you like to convey for your service/field/region of activity ?

Question 4

Which are the main overall objectives of your service/department/region’s communication in 2024 ? Please choose and tick 5 of the following applicable cases :

Question 5

Please select all the relevant audiences for your service/department/region’s communication in the list below :

Question 6

Please write the main messages to be communicated to the selected targets / relevant audiences, if you have any, or let us know if you would like the Communication department to write these messages for you :

Question 7

Please select all the relevant channels for your service/department/region’s communication in the list below :

Question 8

Please write in the right cases below which are the main communication moments you plan to have in 2024 :

[1The technical narrative aims to position UIC

  • as an International repository of technical standards and solutions
  • as trusted third party for developing rail services and investment ; this implies to develop the awareness and support to UIC among
  • towards regulatory bodies
  • towards international financing structures (ERJU, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc).

UIC’s advocacy dimension is based on the “Avoid, Shift, Improve” approach. The UIC’s actions are essentially aimed at meeting the need to avoid and shift, while also working on the Improve aspect. The key messages are built around 4 transformations, as follows :

  • Transforming cities and connecting communities
  • Energy, Technology and Innovation
  • Intramodality and seamless connection
  • Customer experience
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jeudi 5 octobre 2023