SAVE the DATE for the 5th ZERO WASTE Workshop “How can circularity help railways achieve net zero?” – UIC HQ, Paris, 20 November 2024

Building on the topics addressed at the last Zero Waste Railways workshops, on 20 November 2024, UIC will invite experts to the UIC headquarters to discuss the best circular economy practices to implement with rail in order to contribute to the achievement of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions

Circularity Experts from the railway industry and other sectors are invited to discuss the following topics:

  • Strategies for designing out scope 3 emissions from railway equipment and materials.
  • Actions railways can take upstream and downstream in their value chain to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Achieving traceability of raw materials, and the data required for this process.
  • The role of procurement in emission reduction efforts.
  • The impact of collaboration in reaching emission reduction goals.

Additionally, experts will present new KPIs for measuring circularity and share success stories about retaining embedded carbon through the use of innovative and circular materials in rail infrastructure.

Participants will have ample opportunity to interact, network, and exchange ideas with the speakers.

The draft agenda will be made available shortly on this page.

If you are interested in speaking, please contact circular


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Friday 26 July 2024