Call for papers - ILCAD Conference, 15 June 2023, Warsaw

The International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) is a worldwide initiative to improve awareness of level crossing safety. Since 2009 the campaign has been spearheaded by the International Union of Railways (UIC), the worldwide railway organisation with the support of the railway community around the world. Up to 50 countries usually take part in the ILCAD annual campaign.

Each year, a partner country hosts the launch event where we may share good practices and projects to improve safety and reduce the accident toll.

This conference attracts railway industry representatives, road authorities, academics, and many others from around the world who are working to raise awareness about the dangers surrounding level crossings.

In 2022 the international conference to launch the 14th ILCAD campaign was on 9 June in Denver (Colorado) preceded by a special session on “Trespass and Suicide Prevention” on 8 June and followed by technical visit on 10 June. The events were co-organised by International Union of Railways (UIC), Association of American Railroads (AAR), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Operation Lifesaver inc. (OLI).

The 2023 events will be kindly hosted by PKP and PKP Group Foundation in Warsaw, Poland.

The international conference to launch the 15th edition of ILCAD will take place on 15 June 2023 at the Royal Castle of Warsaw.
On the 14th June the TRESPAD (Trespass Prevention Awareness Day) launch conference will be held at a nearby venue, the National Institute of Polish Rural Culture and Heritage = Narodowy Instytut Kultury i Dziedzictwa Wsi on Krakowskie Przedmieście Street. On 16th June we have foreseen a technical visit.

• ILCAD public targeted in 2023: “Agricultural and industrial crossing users”
• Slogan 2023: "Tracks are for Trains!”

The themes of the ILCAD 2023 launch conference are:
• Technology – What technologies could help to educate people, raise awareness, and ultimately prevent accidents at level crossings?
• Enforcement/Regulations – joint initiatives of the railways, with local authorities, police forces to encourage people to respect the highway code.
• Community outreach – What are the best means of making people aware of the safety risks at crossings?

If you would wish to submit a paper on level crossing safety and more precisely on "agricultural and industrial crossing users" (2023 ILCAD theme), please fill in this form by March 31, 2023


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Thursday 5 January 2023