Call for papers: Special session on Trespass and Suicide Prevention, 8 June 2022 (p.m.), Denver, USA

Special session on Trespass and Suicide Prevention - 8 June 2022 (P.M.), Denver, USA

According to the International Union of Railways (UIC) safety data base report 2021, over 90% of all fatalities on the rail infrastructure involve third parties (mainly trespassers and level crossing users).

The International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) is a worldwide initiative to improve awareness of level crossing safety. Since 2009 the campaign has been spearheaded by the UIC, the worldwide railway organisation with the support of the railway community around the world.

There was no global platform to tackle Trespass and Suicide Prevention, it was then obvious that UIC, representing the railways on a worldwide level should take the lead on those issues that impact a lot the railway operation of our members.

Therefore in 2021 UIC decided to set up an international working group to exchange internationally on existing Trespass and Suicide Prevention programmes, best practices, and measures taken or to take to decrease the number of incidents and casualties.

For the first time, on 8th June 2022 in the afternoon, the day before the ILCAD Conference we organise a half-day session dedicated to Trespass and Suicide Prevention.

The event is co-organised by International Union of Railways (UIC), Association of American Railroads (AAR), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Operation Lifesaver inc. (OLI).

Trespass and Suicide events affect the whole of the rail industry with an adverse impact on safety, performance, reputation, costs and efficiency. It affects all parts of the business and the society as a whole and is therefore something that we must tackle together.

The Trespass and Suicide Prevention session aims to share with industry partners the key activities that existing programmes are undertaking.
Through this session we will aim to identify what exists, what else is needed, what individual organisations can do to help prevent trespass and suicides and how we can work much closer together on these issues.

To register to the Conference click here

For more info, visit

Contact: Isabelle Fonverne

Should you wish to submit an abstract to the session on Trespass and Suicide Prevention session on 8 June 2022 please fill in this form Deadline: March 31, 2022.

Civility (Required)

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Monday 29 November 2021