Call for papers - TRESPAD - 05 June 2024

Trespass Prevention Awareness Day (TRESPAD)
3rd edition – June 5, 2024
Launch Conference (in English and Spanish), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Call for papers

According to the International Union of Railways (UIC) safety data base report 2023, over 90% of all fatalities on the rail infrastructure involve third parties (mainly trespassers and level crossing users).

Since June 2009 UIC, the worldwide railway organisation with the support of the railway community around the world has spearheaded the International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD), a worldwide initiative to improve awareness of level crossing safety.

In 2021 UIC decided to set up the TreSP-Network, an international working group of experts brought together to exchange knowledge and expertise relating to Trespass and Suicide Prevention programmes, best practices, and measures taken or to take to decrease the number of incidents and casualties.

Trespass and Suicide events affect the whole of the rail industry with an adverse impact on safety, performance, reputation, costs and efficiency as well as an impact on the health and wellbeing of staff who have to deal with such effects. It affects all parts of the business and the society as a whole and is therefore something that we must tackle together.

For the first time, on 8th June 2022, the day before the ILCAD Conference a half-day session dedicated to Trespass and Suicide Prevention took place in Denver, USA. The events were co-organised by International Union of Railways (UIC), Association of American Railroads (AAR), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Operation Lifesaver inc. (OLI). In 2023 (14-16 June) the second edition of TRESPAD was kicked off by a conference hosted by PKP and PKP Group Foundation in Warsaw.

In 2024 (5-7 June) ILCAD and TRESPAD conferences and a technical visit are co-organised by UIC and the Transportation Safety Board of Argentina (JST) in Buenos Aires.

The call for abstracts is open, we would be delighted to receive proposals for presentations providing insights into the cause and motivations of trespass and suicide events in rail, approaches to prevent and manage such events and the impact of such interventions. We are particularly interested in presentations focussed on vulnerable users such as minors, individuals in mental health crisis or those with disabilities.

Public targeted in 2024: “Vulnerable users”

For more info

  • on TreSP-Network, click here
  • on ILCAD click here
  • Contact: Isabelle Fonverne at fonverne at and Lisandro López Piñeyro at llopez at
  • To submit an abstract to the TRESPAD 2024 Conference with a deadline fixed to March 29, 2024 fill in the following form
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Monday 8 January 2024