As part of the Zero Waste Railways Series of workshops organised by UIC, this edition will discuss the recent developments of Corporate Sustainability reporting frameworks and standards and their overall impact on reporting obligations re circularity.
The programme will also dive into asset management as an enabler of circular economy for railways, and will present the results of ongoing works on circularity metrics for railways.
The workshop will be hosted by the Birmingham Centre for Research and Education (University of Birmingham), affiliate member of the UIC, in the premises of the /UKRRIN.
And ample time will be dedicated to discussing practical cases and to networking between participants and speakers.
Draft programme
- Welcome (BCRRE University of Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education, confirmed)
- Keynote Preparing the road to circular economy reporting, KPMG
- View point of infrastructure managers
- View point of train operators
- Asset Management as an enabler for the Circular Economy across the Rail Sector, Fraser Nash Consultancy (confirmed)
- UK’s Rail industry Zero waste metrics, RSSB /Ricardo (confirmed)
- CSRD, CSRD Academy
- Interactive session: group discussions on hot topics of the day
- PDF - 160.2 kb
Slides presented at the 3rd UIC Zero Waste Railways workshop, 22 November 2023, BCRRE, Birmingham, UK
- PDF - 6.6 Mb
BCRRE, Birmingham, UK
For more information
Contact the UIC Circular Economy Team