Trainrail questionnaire

The survey is developed by the UIC TEDP “Quality Criteria Expert Group “, which main purpose is to establish:

  • Common Quality criteria for trainings for UIC members
  • Reliable and trusted competence development criteria
  • Appropriate methods to ensure learning success

Today we need your help to better assess the need of your organisation for this service. Please take 10 minutes to answer the questions below. You will help us to set up processes and organisation of the association according to your needs.


  • Minimum duration of a course shall be 16 hours
  • Certificates will be valid for 5 years
  • Definition:
  • * short-term continuing development courses (16 to 40 training hours)
  • * medium-term continuing development courses
    (40 training hours and more)
  • * long-term courses: professional, vocational, functional education courses;
    higher education courses

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Friday 29 October 2021