Simulation-based risk assessment tool in terms of the dynamic behaviour of load

Project information

  • Acronym: DYNALOAD
  • Simulation-based risk assessment tool in terms of the dynamic behaviour of load
  • Sector: Freight
  • Project start date: 01/01/2024
  • Duration: 14 months
  • Project director: Sandra Gehenot
  • Project manager: Hakan Gunel
  • Status: ongoing project
  • Project code: 2024/FRE/858

Project description

One of the most critical aspects of freight transport is ensuring the safe and secure transportation of goods. Factors such as the type of goods, wagon characteristics, and the specific line must be considered during loading to maintain railway operating safety. Goods must be loaded in a stable position and secured against various movements and environmental influences like wind, snow, or ice. The walls, sides, stanchions, and other built-in wagon fixtures should be used to secure the load effectively. If these are not feasible, special devices must be used with the forwarding railway undertaking’s approval.

The UIC Loading Guidelines provide proven methods for safe loading, but there is currently no standard for dynamic testing of loading behavior. Introducing new loading methods is resource-intensive and time-consuming, requiring risk analysis and field tests to ensure safety. DIN EN 16860:2019-06 suggests using simulations for cargo securing evaluation, but it provides limited guidance. The simulations must examine the same load cases as driving tests and validate models through comparison with actual tests.

This project aims to support the approval process of loading methods by developing a tool for computer-assisted determination of derailment and cargo securing parameters. The tool will facilitate simulation-based risk assessments of the dynamic behavior of loads for new, current, or updated loading methods, ensuring safe and secure entry into service. This approach aims to streamline the approval process and enhance the reliability and safety of freight transport.

Project objectives

The current approved loading examples will be analyzed based on the type of goods, loading shape, and the equipment used for securing the goods. Specifications of the wagons and the most challenging line conditions will be identified. Procedures and limits to ensure safe loading and transport will be established.

A two-step approach will be used to generate the necessary data, with each step operable separately within the tool. These steps are:

  • Simulation of cargo securing and vibration behavior in different scenarios.
  • Simulation of derailment safety.

Project structure

WP1 – Determining Inputs, Operation Conditions, and Boundary Limits

Aim: To identify inputs, line parameters, boundary limits, and required dynamic test conditions, forming the basis for creating the simulation tool. This information will also serve as a database for the tool.

Details: Inputs include wagon specifications, current loading methods, and types of goods. Parameters cover line characteristics and dynamic test conditions, with boundary limits identified for each step. Operational conditions for safety proof according to UIC will also be considered.

Deliverable: Report
Time frame: 4 months

WP2 – Developing the Simulation Tool

Aim: To create a simulation tool that meets the requirements from WP1. The tool will feature a user-friendly interface for parameter adjustments, model libraries, and automatic report generation comparing results to established boundaries.

Details: The tool will simulate various scenarios like impact/shock at different velocities, super-elevated tracks, S-curves, straight tracks with irregularities, and wagon movement with predefined accelerations. These scenarios will follow norms such as DIN EN 14363:2019-11 and DIN EN 16860:2019-06 and can be adapted with varied parameters. The tool will include track parameters and basic cargo models (timber, metal sheets, metal pipes, and concrete plates) that can be customized.

Wagon Models: The database will include basic wagon models with main assemblies such as car bodies, buffers, screw couplers, Y25 bogies, and track. This will cover flat wagons and articulated wagons with various coupling mechanisms.

WP3 – Validation of Simulation

Aim: To validate the results of the simulation tool using existing validated field test data or through additional field tests if necessary. This step ensures the reliability of the simulation results by comparing them with real-world data.

Details: The validation process involves risk assessment and using MBS models based on experimental field test data. These processes, while part of this work package, will commence at the project’s start. Validation of loading concepts will rely on existing measurements and data sheets. If such data is unavailable, it will be generated with the contractor’s assistance.

Deliverable: Report
Time frame: 3 months

Project members

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Tuesday 28 May 2024