UIC Refugee Task Force
Exchanging and sharing information within the railway community
Following the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, the UIC Refugee Task Force was created and held its first online meeting on 10 March 2022. Since then it has exchanged relevant information on a regular basis in order to support UIC member companies and partner associations and organisations to tackle the challenges arising from this humanitarian crisis.
These exchanges include sharing good practice and know-how on the management of migration flows, establishing information exchanges in real time between train operators and infrastructure managers in order to provide the very best possible welcome to Ukrainian refugees in railway stations, preparing communications plans, as well as addressing any security issues.
Information from UIC Refugee Task Force
- Austria, OEBB: https://www.oebb.at/de/neuigkeiten/ukraine-hilfe & https://presse-oebb.at/News_Detail.aspx?id=152134&menueid=27024
- Belgium, SNCB: https://www.belgiantrain.be/en/news/ticket-help-ukraine
- Bulgaria, BDZ: https://www.bdz.bg/bg/a/bdzh-shche-...
- Czechia, CD: https://www.cd.cz/info/aktuality/-36306/
- Denmark, DSB: https://www.dsb.dk/eng-ukraine/
- Finland, VR: https://www.vrgroup.fi/en/vrgroup/n...
- France, SNCF: https://www.sncf.com/en/group/free-train-travel-ukrainian-refugees
- Germany, DB: https://www.bahn.de/info/helpukraine
- Hungary, MAV: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/mav-start...
- Latvia, LDZ: www.Ukraine-Latvia.com
- Lithuania, LTG: https://www.traukiniobilietas.lt/portal/info/Ukraina
- Netherlands, NS: https://nieuws.ns.nl/aan-de-gevluch...
- Norway, VY: https://www.vy.no/nn/vygruppen/presse-og-nyhende/pressemeldinger/2022/ukraina
- Poland, PKP: https://www.intercity.pl/pomagamukrainie
- Portugal, CP: https://www.cp.pt/institucional/en/press/news/refugees-ukraine
- Romania, CFR Calatori: https://www.cfrcalatori.ro/en/infor...
- Slovakia, ZSR: https://www.ukraineslovakia.sk/ & ZSSK: https://www.zssk.sk/ukrajina/
- Spain, RENFE: https://www.renfe.com/es/es/grupo-r... & https://www.renfe.com/es/es/grupo-r...
- Sweden, SJ: https://www.krisinformation.se/en/h...
- Switzerland, SBB: https://news.sbb.ch/artikel/110690/information-for-passengers-from-ukraine-in-ukrainian & contact info.ukraine at sbb.ch
- UK, Network Rail: https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ukr-travel.aspx
Other useful information
Management of Refugee crisis
On Linkedin
A Task Force LinkedIn group is open to members. Feel free to join the group and share your thoughts:
UIC Refugee Task Force Contact
For any further information please contact us