Thursday 22 July 2021

11th International Railway Summit to debate innovation for people, planet and prosperity

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The 11th International Railway Summit, a unique networking event for the global rail sector, will take place from 15-17 February 2022 in Berlin, Germany.
The International Railway Summit features a bespoke programme of pre-arranged one-to-one business meetings, a two-day conference programme delivered by global mobility leaders, and technical visits to local rail facilities showcasing the latest innovations. In addition, delegates will be able to expand their networks and build friendships over coffee, lunches and dinners.

The one-to-one meeting programme provides an opportunity for operators, infrastructure owners, rolling stock manufacturers and governments to learn about cutting-edge solutions matching their project requirements.

The theme of the summit will be“Innovating rail for people, planet and prosperity”. The conference will tackle the social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainability, with plenary and breakout sessions debating how rail can transform itself and help change the world. Looking back on the European Union Year of Rail and the ongoing recovery from the pandemic, the summit will help plot the course through uncharted territory to a kinder, greener and wealthier future.

Leading figures addressing the summit will include Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director, EU Agency for Railways, Rolf Härdi, Chief Technology Officer, Deutsche Bahn, Philippe Citroën, Director General, Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), and Conor Feighan, Secretary General of the European Rail Freight Association (ERFA).

Proudly partnered with the International Union of Railways (UIC) since 2017, the International Railway Summit has built a reputation for attracting major established organisations, exciting and disruptive ideas and niche solution providers. UIC’s Simon Fletcher, Director Europe, and Lucie Anderton, Head of Sustainability, will act as Chair and Co-Chair, respectively, of the conference programme.

The safety of delegates is of paramount importance to the summit organisers. All possible efforts will be made to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for delegates in addition to adherence to local regulations. Delegates will be required to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or negative tests.

Organisations and individuals interested in learning more about the International Railway Summit and how they can participate in the event can visit or contact the organiser, IRITS Events.

For further information, please contact Lucie Anderton, Head of Sustainable Development Unit, at; Simon Fletcher, UIC Director Europe at

or Stephen Russell-Gebbett, Editor-in-Chief, IRITS Events Ltd at

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