Tuesday 28 September 2021

European Modus project presents its latest deliverable: the interface to modal choice model

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The “Interface to modal choice modal” document is the first deliverable of WP4 of the Modus project, which aims to develop highly detailed low-level results on the present and future of passenger mobility in Europe based on flight and passenger metrics. The purpose of this document is to describe the methodology designed and developed to translate the output results of the modal choice model into individual passenger itineraries to be used by the mobility models.

The aim is twofold:

  • Individual flight data needs to be assigned to the schedules generated as an output of the modal choice model. The supply and demand flow scenarios for the modal choice model are then to be translated into actual passenger itineraries.
  • The itineraries need to be standardised in various formats to be used by the rest of the models used in Modus (Mercury – airside and landside model, as well as RNEST), tailoring the data to their input needs. Moreover, other data needs for successful upgrades of these models are being discussed.

In addition, identified data requirements and processing needs identified so far are to be used to create valid input for the rest of the models developed in Modus: the RNEST flight-centred airside model, the passenger-centric Mercury airside model, and the landside (i.e. door-to-door) model.

The main objective of the Modus project is to analyse the performance of the overall transport system by considering the entire door-to-door journey holistically and assessing the role of air transport as part of an integrated, intermodal approach. For this purpose, Modus identifies and assesses (future) drivers of passenger demand and supply of mobility in terms of their impact on passenger mode choice. 

The Modus project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme on the topic SESAR-ER4-10-2019 ATM Role in Intermodal Transport under grant agreement No 891166. It started in June 2020 and will run until November 2022.

To find out more about the Modus project or to contact the project group, please use one of the following channels:

For further information, please contact Vanessa Perez at perez at uic.org

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