Monday 15 November 2021

Second meeting of the Taskforce on Extreme Weather held on 29 October

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The Taskforce on Extreme Weather now has 20 members – an increase of seven members since the group’s first meeting.

The taskforce will be organised within UIC so as to address the issue of extreme weather in a coordinated and optimised way, not only for UIC members but for the railway community as a whole.

The taskforce is a forum for gathering of good practices and effective organisational models – the raw material that UIC needs to produce its guides and methodologies.

The RERA RAIN project will integrate the activities of the taskforce in 2022, with flooding as a priority topic. Other projects proposals will be presented to the UIC Board of Directors for approval.

In the meantime, the taskforce will keep its momentum and will meet in early January to exchange good practices.

Two presentations were made during the meeting by Deutsche Bahn and JPR.

Funding, including ways to account for all externalities to ensure a true cost-effectiveness ratio for rail investments across the mobility system, is an important issue to be addressed by this group.

This task force is open to all UIC members. To join us, please contact Frédéric Hénon, Head of Operations and Safety at UIC at henon at

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