Friday 4 March 2022

The second Modus workshop was held on 14 February 2022

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More than 170 participants registered for the second online Modus workshop, which brought together experts from the air and rail sectors to reflect on “What could future air-rail multimodal mobility look like?”

The workshop was striking in its uniqueness, bringing together the aviation and railway communities to exchange ideas and discuss the challenges and opportunities of intermodality.

Check out the summary and recordings of this online meeting at:

After Modus Coordinator Annika Paul kicked off the workshop and introduced the Modus project, Alessandro Prister, Programme Manager at SESAR JU, and Carlo Borghini, Executive Director at Europe’s Rail JU, spoke respectively on air and rail perspectives of intermodality.

In the first presentation, Nadine Pilon, Research Project Manager at EUROCONTROL, explained the different Modus scenarios, focusing on specific aspects envisaged for the future that could significantly change the transport system as we see it today.

Modus use cases were then presented by Ulrike Schmalz from Bauhaus Luftfahrt, to identify the main gaps and barriers to achieving European mobility goals. A third presentation, given by Ellie Zareian, Research Fellow at the University of Westminster, explained the Modus city archetypes, a combination of airport and railway connectivities, to translate the output of the modal choice model into a network of individual passenger itineraries.

Each of these three presentations was followed by an interactive session facilitated by Annika Paul (Bauhaus Luftfahrt), Vanessa Pérez (UIC) and Tanja Bolic (Westminster University), offering the audience the opportunity to give feedback and highlight the most relevant elements, those less appreciated and anything they felt was missing.

Based on these presentations and interactive sessions, two round tables, bringing together air and rail experts, were held during the second part of the workshop to develop the ideas shared during the first part.

The first round table was devoted to the Modus scenarios and was moderated by Riccardo Santoro, Manager, Europe’s Rail JU Coordination, and Management, Corporate Technology, Innovation and Digital at Italian Railways. It brought together panellists Uwe Martin (Munich Airport), David Villalmanzo (ADIF), Oana Savu (IATA) and Andrea Giuricin (University Milano Bicocca).

The second round table focused on the project use cases and was moderated by Peter Hullah, Senior Drones and Mobility Specialist at EUROCONTROL. It brought together panellists Christian Steyer (Austrian Airlines), Stefano Scarci (Ernst & Young), Jörg Ostwald (SBB) and Willy Smeulders (European Passenger Federation).

As a final round of reflection and conclusion, Andrew Cook, Professor of Air Traffic Management at the University of Westminster (Modus member), led a discussion with Riccardo Santoro and Peter Hullah.

If you would like to know more about Modus and want to keep up to date with our latest publications, do not hesitate to regularly consult our deliverables on the Modus website:

To find out more about Modus and to follow the publication of our work, do not hesitate to regularly consult our deliverables on the Modus website:

The Modus project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme on the topic SESAR-ER4-10-2019 ATM Role in Intermodal Transport under grant agreement No 891166. It started in June 2020 and will run until November 2022.

To find out more about the Modus project or to contact the project group, please use one of the following channels:

For more information, please contact Vanessa Perez at perez at

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