Wednesday 23 March 2022

TrainDy+ – how to simulate tomorrow’s freight trains

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TrainDy is the UIC-approved software for calculation of longitudinal forces along the train. The main characteristic of TrainDy is its ability to solve both pneumatic problems (venting of brake pipe and filling of brake cylinders) and mechanical problems (computation of relative movement between consecutive wagons).

As the needs of RUs evolve, so too should the TrainDy software. To this end, in 2021 UIC launched a feasibility study entitled “TrainDy+ – how to simulate tomorrow’s freight trains” (2021/RSF/706), the aim of which was to examine how, by updating the TrainDy software, it might be possible to achieve as many of the objectives set by the sector as possible, such as:

  • reducing the green footprint of the railways,
  • increasing freight transport safety and efficiency,
  • providing a comprehensive solution for different pneumatic brake or coupling systems,
  • ensuring proper driving on future long freight trains with distributed traction and braking to optimise energy consumption and maintenance of couplings.

The feasibility study relied on the expertise of SNCF, FS, SBB and University of Rome Tor Vergata and officially concluded in January 2022.

The final document drawn up by the working group contains seven development proposals:

  • Wagon order optimisation
  • Electro-pneumatic brake
  • Energy optimisation
  • Integration of wheel/rail contact in longitudinal train dynamics
  • Automatic statistical computation
  • Simulator for autonomous trains
  • Digital automatic coupling

The time, cost and steps required have been estimated for each proposal.

The document is now available free of charge from the UIC ETF shop at

Part of the feasibility study involved investigating which topic UIC should focus on first; the final TrainDy+ document was thus circulated to the Rail System Forum members, who were asked to provide their opinion on the seven proposals and define their priorities.

The results of the survey indicated that digital automatic coupling and a simulator for autonomous trains are the topics of greatest interest to RSF members today. This will be taken into account for the TrainDy software update.

More information on TrainDy software is available in the attached flyer and on the UIC webpage:

For further information, please contact Giulia Russo, Rail System Department, Junior Advisor Rolling Stock at russo at

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